Plans include continued evolution of STM technologies and services Paris, France, and Coimbra, Portu...
Neuraspace Stories
Portuguese Air Force relies on Neuraspace to ensure Space Safety Lisbon, Portugal, 10 September 2024...
Neuraspace Joins €160 Million European Defence Initiative “EMISSARY” - Single largest investment and...
Partnership with EISCAT Scientific Association will bring new AI/ML algorithms to improve the taxono...
Improved decision-making using Neuraspace PRO feature. Overview Satellite operators rely on constant...
Issue A client using Neuraspace's Space Traffic Management (STM) solution launched a Low Earth Orbit...
Both tiers feature a new real-time information exchange between satellite operators and automated hi...
Using Neuraspace’s new SYNC and PRO tiers, Spire gains tailored insights to optimise its constellati...
NanoAvionics to integrate Neuraspace’s space traffic management solution into its end-to-end small s...
In a significant move towards ensuring the safety and sustainability of space activities, Neuraspace...
Space is becoming increasingly congested. The challenge of managing an ever-growing amount of space ...
2023 has been a year of massive growth and progress. Read on to know about our journey this year inc...
[In the Journal] Authors: FCT-UNL, Portugal, FCT-UNL, Portugal, claud...
[In the Journal] Authors: Neuraspace, Portugal, {marta.guimaraes, chiara.manfletti} F...
Space weather events, such as solar flares and coronal mass ejections, have profound implications fo...
Welcome to an insightful Q&A session with Chiara Manfletti, Director and COO of Neuraspace, as we de...
Neuraspace widens its data fusion scope by incorporating data from one of Elecnor Deimos’ telescopes...
Neuraspace’s space traffic management system to become the world’s most accurate system for debris d...
In the Journal: Journal of Space Safety Engineering Authors: Chiara Manfletti, Director & COO, Neura...
The Neuraspace Space Traffic Management platform will be used by EOS SAT-1, the world’s first agricu...
Participation in the programme will accelerate company growth and contribute to a sustainable space ...
The first project event at Pampilhosa da Serra Council is aimed at the development of low density te...
New space traffic management feature could save constellation operators millions of euros Washington...
Neuraspace’s Director and COO invited as a speaker for the second time at one of the most awaited ga...
European NewSpace companies partner to bring AI-based space traffic management solutions to orbit Mi...
2022 has been a year of accomplishment for us. Highlighted as one of the “New Space Startups to Watc...
Neuraspace's short term goal is to resolve space traffic at large and debris specifically addressing...
Neuraspace is looking for a Radar Systems Engineer to join the team! See all the details below. Abou...
Press Release With the support of PRR - the Recovery and Resilience Plan and NextGeneration EU Funds...
The space section is the future of our economy. What once was a government domain is now dominated b...